Being a member of Croatian Operational Research Society has a number of advantages:

  • reduced registration fee for attending the International Conference on Operational Research – KOI, the event organized by our society every two years
  • reduced registration fee for attending the International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia – SOR, the event organized by Slovenian Society of Informatica / Section of Operations Research every two years
  • free attendance to all workshops, seminars, and lectures organized by CRORS society for its members
  • free subscription to the annual proffesional magazine CRORS News, which provides information on CRORS activities
  • automatic subscription to CRORS mailing list, which enables receiving news on all CRORS activities and activities of umbrella associations EURO and IFORS
  • eligibility to apply for EURO support instruments, such as supports for EURO PhD schools, summer and winter institutes, and other workshops and conferences organized by EURO and IFORS
  • participate in decision making about CRORS society activities, boards, awards, etc. by attending CRORS annual meetings, therefore being an active creator of the development of the OR as a research area
  • being a part of the community of operational researchers, our social and research network which enables rich national and international collaboration in the area of OR and related areas

With the development of information technologies in the context of Big Data, the area of operational research becomes more important and attractive, incorporated in business analytics and decision making. Join us, enrich and share your knowledge and practical experience in applying quantitative methods!