1. Submission of abstracts
Abstracts for the conference should be written in Word, according to the following template:
Authors who wish to present a paper at the Conference should submit the extended abstract of not more than one page before the deadline for the abstract.
Abstracts should be submitted by using the Abstract Submission Form.
The extended abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts from the KOI conference and will be distributed to authors at the conference.
2. Submission of full papers
After the acceptance of abstract, a full paper should be written according to the Author Guidelines for the CRORR journal. Papers that are not written and submitted according to given guidelines will not be considered for publishing. Full papers should be submitted as a single pdf file through the Online submission system before the deadline for full papers.
When submitting the paper through the Online submission system, an author should register (or sign in if already registered) and before uploading the paper the author should select the section of the paper: “Special Issue for KOI conference” (if the paper will be presented at the KOI conference).
After the conference, full papers will be blindly reviewed by two independent reviewers, and accepted papers will be published in the Croatian Operational Research Journal (CRORR) special issue of the KOI 2014 conference. See the journal Abstracting & Indexing, and Author Guidelines for the CRORR journal for details on reviewing process, publication ethics etc.
3. Submission of revised papers
After the revision process, revised manuscripts must be uploaded within 2 weeks (for minor revisions) or 4 weeks (for major revisions) of authors being notified of conditional acceptance pending satisfactory revision. Revisions must still be sent as a .docx file or PDF file for papers prepared by using Latex program.
4. Submission of final version
If the submission is accepted, the corresponding author will receive instructions for submitting the final version of accepted paper in the Word format (.docx) or Latex format (.tex) as well as all figures in TIFF or EPS format. In order to be published in the CRORR journal, the final version of a paper has to be prepared in Microsoft Word (or compatibile) program or Latex program.
The following prizes and awards will be delivered at the Closing ceremony of the KOI conference:
- CRORS Distinguished Service Award (CRORS DSA)
- CRORS Best Young Researcher Paper Award (CRORS BYRP)
All information about awards and nominating procedure for the awards can be found here. We invite especially young researchers to nominate their papers for the CRORS Best Young Researcher Paper Award!