Welcome to the web page of CRORS (HDOI)!
If this is your first visit to our page, I would like to encourage you to find out more about Croatian Operational Research Society (CRORS), whose members develop and apply scientific principles in solving complex problems.
CRORS is a non-profit organization (association) whose mission is to promote operational research as a science (scientific discipline) and as s profession through its application in business practice. The area of operational research (OR) includes quantitative methods that could contribute the improvement of business processes.
We invite all interested people who want to exchange experience in developing and applying quantitative methods, to join our workshops, seminars, and conferences that enable researchers to introduce with new achievements in OR and to be included in the scientific research in that area. It is also our desire to collaborate more in standardizing teaching programs in OR courses, therefore we aim to develop a Repository of OR courses. For that purpose we invite all academic teachers in OR and related courses to send us web addresses of their course web pages. Such repository would enable the creation of knowledge base from operational research that will enhance the quality of our programs.
Thr CRORS society has 125 members in 2020. If you are not a member and want to become one, you can fill in the Application form, and join our “quantitative” community!
Mario Jadrić
Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, University of Split, Split
Cvite Fiskovića 5, 21000 Split, Croatia
Basic facts about CRORS society:
Title: Croatian Operational Research Society (in Croatian: Hrvatsko drustvo za operacijska istrazivanja)
Trg J. F. Kennedyja 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
OIB (ID): 19764968282
Master number: 03856569
Bank account number IBAN: available soon