21st Annual Meeting of CRORS (HDOI) was held on September 26, 2014 at Faculty of Economics in Osijek, at 1 p.m. (room 1). Thirty four members of CRORS (HDOI) attended the meeting.

Agenda of the meeting is available here (pdf).

Major decisions made at the meeting:

  • The next conference KOI 2016 will be held in Osijek, Croatia, again. The exact time of the conference, the program committee, the organizing committee and the First Call for papers for the KOI 2016 will be announced during the next meeting.
  • The CRORS Distinguished Service Award for 2014 is given to Professor Tihomir Hunjak from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, second CRORS president. Congratualtions!
  • The CRORS Best Young Researcher Paper Award for 2014 is given to Tihana Škrinjarić, research assistant at Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb. Congratualtions!
  • Decision on change and amendment of the Process for awards is made.
  • Strategic plan for the period 2015-2017 is accepted, as well as Operating plans for 2015.

Photo gallery of CRORS 21st annual meeting 2014: