• CRORS News

    Official professional magazine of the Croatian Operational Research Society

  • CRORR Journal

    Croatian Operational Research Review journal

  • KOI Conference

    International Conference on Operational Research

CRORS membership


KOI conference

The International Conference on Operational Research (KOI) is the major event organized by the Croatian Operational Research Society (CRORS) since 1991. In the period from 1991-1996. it was organized every year, while from the 1996. to today, it is organized every two years (in odd years).

CRORR Journal

The aim of the Croatian Operational Research Review journal is to provide high quality scientific papers covering the theory and application of operations research and related areas, mainly quantitative methods and machine learning.


CRORS News is the official professional magazine of the Croatian Operational Research Society published yearly. The aim of this journal is to publish activities of the CRORS society and its members during a calendar year.

Conferences held
Journal issues published
CRORS News published