The 3rd Call for papers KOI2016 (pdf) is announced. The deadline for sending abstracts is extended to July 24, 2016. We invite all researchers in the area of OR and related areas (applied mathematics, statistics, econometrics, information systems, machine learning etc.) to join us at this warm-atmosphere conference in Osijek, Croatia! Important dates can be found here. Other info is available at the KOI 2016 web page.
At this conference, we have prepared five excellent invited speakers, interesting regular sections, and the Special Section on Interior-Point Methods and Related Areas” in honor of Goran Lesaja (Georgia Southern University) on occasion of this 60th birthday. Also, the Round table on OR in Education will be held where Hans Ittman will present the results of the study on OR/MS in Education, presented also at EURO 2016 in Poznan. We have prepared an exciting social program with excursion to Ilok city and Danube river. Join us in Osijek, share your research ideas and contribute the development of OR community!